Saturday 13 August 2016


It was a great day. The travel was amazing  but very long. I passed out and slept the whole way down. It was sick on the way to the house, we saw amazing mountains and we had really really good music and pizza! And tomorrow is the beach day so I can't wait to have church on the beach and practice our Jesus skit.
The pizza was better then joes pizza in town.  


  1. So glad you are all there safe and sound! Praying for an awesome church on the beach day! P.s. Love you Lauren!��

  2. Yes, very thankful you all made it safely.I'm sure the Romanos & Justin were all excited to see you guys!! Enjoy your beach day everyone (..someone hide the ketchup!) ;-) Blessings, love, & prayers to you all.
    Hugs & kisses Amanda (from Holly too.) lol.
